Sublime is a just amazing text editor. I’ve loved it since I’ve tasted it. However, its uniqueness and some advantage in contrast with other GUI editors, is the versatility of usage and a huge pile of plug-ins that extend user experience.

It is also available with a free trial version for many popular platforms (Mac, Linux, Windows). But in this article, I’ll try to focus on the configuration that is suitable for my daily basis with a system from Linux family based on Debian.

The installation of Sublime Text 3

Probably you have already noticed that “beta” in the title of the article. Authors of the editor have made a very stable version of the software, even if it’s still in beta! You can fell that it’s rock solid editor! I’ve been very positively surprised by the quality and stability of it.

The best method of installation is download package from official Sublime Text 3 website and install it.

Package Control

On the official website of (this is official package manager for Sublime) we can find a code snippet that will activate the package manager into our editor. The only thing we need to do, is to paste it into the sublime console (you can open with Ctrl + ~ key combination) and press enter. After few seconds, you can access to Sublime Package Manager by the combination of Shift + Ctrl + P.


Plug-ins extend default editor functionality.

All Autocomplete

Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > All Autocomplete

Syntax highlight for Sass

Repository of plug-in: Syntax highlighting for Sass

Installation through Package Manager: Install Package > Syntax highlighting for Sass

Less Syntax

Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > Less Syntax


Repository of plug-in: CoffeeScript Sublime Plugin

cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages \
  && rm -rf CoffeeScript \
  && git clone CoffeeScript

Live Loader

Repository of plug-in: Github repo

cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages \
  && rm -rf LiveReload \
  && git clone -b devel LiveReload

This plug-in also be added as plug-in of your browser LiveReload and while saving file into Sublime the content will be automatically reloaded into the browser.

Markdown Extended

Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > Markdown Extended


Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > GitGutter


Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > Git-Status-Bar

Local History

Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > Local-history


Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > EditorConfig

Sublime linter (core)

Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > Sublime linter v3

Extensions of the plug-in:

Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > Sidebar Enhancements


Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > Djaneiro


Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > VimL

Soda Theme

Best theme for the editor I’ve come across. The website of theme

Installation through Package Manager: Install Package > Theme - Soda

To make it work, you need to add config line to Settings - User into Sublime. More info how to achieve this you can find Settings - User

Gruvbox Dark Theme

Instalation through Package Manager: Install Package > Gruvbox Dark

To activate it go to Preferences > Gruvbox Dark and choose gruvbox.

Color Scheme Selector

The website of plug-in:

cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages \
  && rm -rf "ColorSchemeSelector" \
  && git clone "ColorSchemeSelector"


Here I paste my configurations of the Sublime editor, but it can become outdated in time.

Key Bindings - User

    { keys: ["alt+up"], command: "swap_line_up" },
    { keys: ["alt+down"], command: "swap_line_down" },

    { keys: ["ctrl+shift+up"], command: "duplicate_line" },
    { keys: ["ctrl+shift+down"], command: "duplicate_line" },

    { keys: ["ctrl+shift+x"], command: "swap_case" },

    { keys: ["ctrl+f5"], command: "refresh_folder_list" },

    // Quick rename of current file (require SideBar Enhancements plug-in)
    { keys: ["f2"], command: "side_bar_move" },

    // Toggle side bar
    { keys: ["f9"], command: "toggle_side_bar" },

Settings - User

    // Colors + Themes
    "theme": "Soda Dark 3.sublime-theme",
    "color_scheme": "Packages/Tomorrow Color Schemes/Tomorrow-Night.tmTheme",

    // Font
    "font_face": "Ubuntu Mono",
    "font_size": 15.0,
    "line_padding_bottom": 0,
    "line_padding_top": 0,
    "highlight_line": true,
    "font_options": ["subpixel_antialias", "no_bold"],

    // Editor behavior
    "spell_check": false,
    "dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_US.dic",
    "open_files_in_new_window": false,
    "highlight_modified_tabs": true,
    "always_show_minimap_viewport": true,
    "bold_folder_labels": true,
    "fade_fold_buttons": false,
    "draw_minimap_border": true,
    "find_selected_text": true,
    "rulers": [79, 100],
    "show_encoding": true,
    "scroll_past_end": false,
    "caret_style": "solid",
    "wide_caret": true,

    // Ignored packages
    "ignored_packages": ["Vintage"],

    // Whitespace - no tabs, trimming, end files with \n
    "tab_size": 4,
    "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
    "trim_automatic_white_space": true,
    "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,
    "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,

    // Sidebar - exclude distracting files and folders
    "file_exclude_patterns": [
    "folder_exclude_patterns": [".git", "__pycache__", "env", "env3"]